Scottish highland cattle, Highland cattle, Black highland cattle, Highland cattle calves

Below, Bill is walking the girls down to the "Calving Pasture" along Brummetts Creek.

Scottish highland cattle, Highland cattle, Black highland cattle, Highland cattle calves

The true Beauty of the breed is seen watching the herd grazing the pasture with the wind moving that gorgeous long hair.

We breed and raise Scottish Highland cattle.  We chose Highland cattle because of the steep pastures and woodlands of our farm and the hardy nature of these beautiful animals.  Our herd eats brush and weeds with as much vigor as they attack grass. We have over 100 acres of pasture that had not been grazed for years and our herd is well on its way to cleaning up the former pastured areas. They eat ten year old raspberry and blackberry thickets right to the ground and clean up 45 degree slopes that we thought only our goats could traverse.

Scottish highland cattle, Highland cattle, Black highland cattle, Highland cattle calves


      Go see the International certified semen for sale from the future of 

Big Ridge Highlands and Trails End Farm!  BIG RIDGE MAGIC'S LADD ET, CE-0

The Scottish Highland Cattle are an old heritage breed many cattle were bred from, (like today's popular Angus cattle).  The beauty of the Scottish Highland Cattle is they still possess many natural instincts and traits.  They are hardy, prefer to browse brush rather than eat grass, mate and calve without human help or intervention, protect each other and their young, and have conformation to enable them to make use of rough steep terrain.

Scottish highland cattle, Highland cattle, Black highland cattle, Highland cattle calves
Scottish highland cattle, Highland cattle, Black highland cattle, Highland cattle calves

Header Pictures Taken at BIGRIDGEFARM

We move the cattle between the Mountain pastures and the flat "Calving/breeding Pasture" along Brummett's Creek . The "Mountain Pasture" feeds the cattle well in the summer and dry fall, with daily cool breezes in the shady saddles between mountain peaks. The "Gentle Pasture" pictured above works with snowy or muddy weather. Below,  Bill is walking them down the mountain to the "Gentle Pasture" gate. They are rather manageable when you have some sweet feed.

Scottish highland cattle, Highland cattle, Black highland cattle, Highland cattle calves
Scottish highland cattle, Highland cattle, Black highland cattle, Highland cattle calves